Annia and I had dinner at Pepper lunch (just like last year, we ate with Riane the other time too) and cabbed to AHS.
The theme of the concert was El Ministrel VIII (wow that's alot of El Ministrel concerts!!). My ticket was with Raymond (carol's bro) and Annia's was at the counter, lucky we got the best seats without having to find one! Arigato to Terie again haha :D The ever so cute Sharmaine got a great load of trumpet solos and I liked theatre music and Selections from mamma Mia 8D
Just like last year, the hall went crazy during the intermission cause everybody was rushing up to the front to pass/give/present their flowers and presents to the band members. I got a yam-coloured rose for carol, which I thought was very pretty!
I didn't have as many presents to give out so Annia and I took a photo while waiting.
First picture together this year! ;D
with Terie!! Unglam!!
Unglam but very loving worhhx haha!! actually I was the only unglam one in both pictures LOL!
with carol ne~~ French horn SL leh! (I KNOW WHO GAVE YOU THAT BIG RED ROSE!!!)
Terie and Cherine! Even though we've known each other the for the past 8 years, I realised this is our FIRST photo together! (class photos not counted!) O:
The second part of the concert was quite good imo. The percussion ensemble's kinda cool, there were difficult beats and they did it with such ease O: Mhmm, the Alumni band was (Y) and Weyjian's solo was great :D Terie and I actually shouted for him, think he heard it anyway haha!
There were two encores, if I'm not wrong. one was gelato con caffe which they always play hahaha. This year's dragon was made of paper which was very ROFL!! The juniors even gave out angpaos with chocolate coins and I got one from Terie who got hers from JJ lol.
Kaiying and Anna managed to sneak in after their cell, but we left after the encore, since the hall was in a big mess so it was kinda difficult to find anyone. We actually had some tiny gifts to give out but somebody in a red shirt destroyed half of it cause her hands were too itchy HAHA. Shall leave those for another time lolll.
Junior and teachers' dedications :D I think it was for our O'levels results ;D
I met eliz the bird on the way back! :D
Man, walking together at night's so romantic! Just that Anna spoils the entire mood LOL. Eh, I remember being very high last year, jumping around with Riane like some mad idioit x.X
I think I can talk to anybody over the phone for two hours reminiscing about our ahs days heh :D
Annia couldn't go with us to Starbucks cause she stays quite far away )): (we met ashley at the control station. The bakgua woman just finished her job that day -__-)
Too bad the train to Changi airport was out of service! If not we'd be taking so many pictures of the place :P
Did I mention ALL of them were wearing reddish pinkish clothes? I found this amusing cause they look like some promoters :D
trained to...SIMEI STARBUCKS!!
Annd and I ordered mango passionfruit blended while ky and ash got some latte.
k then we went home at 11:30. I really enjoyed myself that day catching up with a few of my friends ^_^and I really like watching band concerts! :D
18th January, 2009, Sunday
I went to Anna Ash ky's church.
Somebody had to work while Anna and Kaiying cabbed to my house 8D I had Oyster meesua from that taiwan stall at TM basement while ky got her ToriQ with my favourite "PURPLE COLOUR THINGS".
We slacked around and talked about really random things for quite a long time before watching breakfast at tiffany's.
RETARD AGAIN!! I swear she was looking at me!
Made chocolate Ice blended drinks again! It wasn't sweet enough this time ):
We only watched Breakfast at Tiffany's halfway cause we were all tired and didn't have the mood to appreciate classics. The only thing I remember from that show was that the people there kept using "OH DARRRRLING", "WOULD YOU PLEASE BE A DARRRLING AND HELP ME?" or "OH DARRRRLING BABYYY!" Audrey Hepburn is darn pretty though.
Ky got bored and took the spinning runt out. She named it chase! :D
Best shutter speed for taking moving animals is at 1/30! Ky took the following cause the cushion was on my lap. AIN'T CHASE A DARRRLLINNG? Chase looks like ratatouille!
SUPER CUTE. It looks as if its doing some thinking in this pic, espcially with the spots like thought bubbles 8D
chase looking cute :D
Mhmm, they stayed on to watch SHE's concert on MTV and 百万大歌星! Harlem Yu's 爱你的只有一个我 is freaking amusing.
A-ba-ni-bi A-bo-li-bev
A-ba-ni-bi A-bo-li-bev ma-bo-sa-be!!!
(all the video qualities were bad)
kk I don't have much time seeyou all around sorry if this is too boring D:
14 jan
Jas: emma dear... just give it a shot at the colleges. can u try appealing with chior? i hear AJC takes in chior pple.. but its a bit far from u though. Like i sae, if u work hard enuf, eventually u'll
Jas: still end up in uni. a good one too. I am really glad u took such a short time to pick yourself up. love ya k! everyone's here for u if u need help. u just have to ask us for it

{hey jas! Yup finally filled in the thing! :D I'll be reminding myself to work hard, if I don't you can tell my bro to nag at me (he's very good at that) HAHA! and Love you too, thanks so much ya ^_^ Hope to seeyou soon!!!}
15 jan
nia: i am so freakin' glad you decided what you are going for!! CONGRADS(:
{hehe thanks :D first time I made such an important decision within shuch a short period of time LOL! Hope you get into THE jc k!}
ashley: YES TP ROCKS ;D go thr la i m ay just see you thr ^^
{ashley I'm going to TPJ not TP!!! LOL}
ashley: tpj is my fiifth choice1
{hahaha i see, dont think i'll see you in TPJ but I'll definitely seeyou almost everyweek i think :D}
Jas: like i say... jcs like nyjc, yjc.. the students there are just more playful. as long as u are discipline enuf... u'll be able to enter uni eventually. dun worry so much. u just select wad u want
Jas: and see where it takes u.
ANNA: go srjc! my sis's jc:D apparently it's not that bad(:(:
{haha I heard it really isn't that bad! Like the teachers are very caring and stuff but I still like my first choice more! :D RETARD!!! haha}
16 jan
ahhem: you do know that arts=humanities?
{emma: yes ahhem I know that. ahemmmm}
yahui: i went tpjc the first three months! its VERY VERY VERY FUN!!! BUT!!! please study too!!! remember your goal in jc is to study not to have fun!!

{HAHA YUP I'LL WRITE THAT DOWN EVERYWHERE AND REMIND MYSELF HAHAHA! :D yay glad to know its not very dead anyway :P shall talk to you soon and bao more liao!}
ANNA: why do i always look so unglam!!
Jas: ehhh emma... i want the chocolate drink. u make for me nex time leh... but i want thick thick chocolate one leh.. the pic u upload looks v milky! i cant grow any taller so i dun need to drink so much
Jas: milk alr. and hor... yes. rmb to study hor!
{haha okay no prob! I'll be sure to add much much more hershey's choc syrup, that stuff is HEAVENLY! I heard milk deprives your bones of calcium o_O OKAY! STUDY STUDY. around two to three more weeks left!}
bro: haha, i din know jas and yh tags u here. heh, tks u all for guiding my sis =D
{O: O: YOU FOUND THIS PLACE!!! hahaha thanks to you too, for talking so much sense into me ^_^}
17 jan
ken: LOL ANNA! hahaha boy, does the blender thing reminds me of working at passthejuice where blending juices were so ugh!
Jas: ehh i dun understand... u mean ur frends just found hamsters running by along the corridor liddat?
{YES COOL RIGHT! all very big some more!! I found one of my hamsters (my favourite one) in the lift too, it was injured when I first got it O:}
Jac: I like the cream colored fur on the hamster too!

{Haha yes! Its so cute! xD How do I groom it? I heard we can use toothbrushes haha! Are you coming this saturday! Then you can see ashley! :D}
becky: OMG my first choice is TPJC

18 jan
ashley: trixie doest knw how to use the wheel!!!!

{haha cause the house is too small!!!! since you have a big now one you can start training it :D PUT FOOD ON THE WHEEL!! PONYO IS SOOOO CUTE OKAY! abit emo though LOL}
terie: simi si "right or left?" ? haha i say before alred hor, no matter what happens we'll be there for each other so. TPJC ALL THE WAY MAN (lol no link)
{HAHA what right or left?? oh it means right or wong HAHA. ^_^ YUPWE CAN STILL SEE EACH OTHER EVERYWEEK I'll come find you when I'm emo hor hahaha! }
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